Short film about FSC sustainable wood plantations in Borneo/Kalimantan (Indonesia).

The major international conservation agencies active in Indonesia are trying to save ‘the heart of Borneo’ by establishing as a mosaic of protected forests, national parks and large forest concessions under ‘sustainable forest management’.
Location: Borneo/Kalimantan (Indonesia)
Themes: Indonesia, Illegal Logging, Deforestation, Wood Protection, FSC Wood, Certification, Rights of indigenous peoples.

Borneo has already experienced extensive deforestation through ill-regulated and plainly illegal logging, and clearance for agriculture, timber plantations and oil palm estates. Over half of the areas that have already been cleared are now ‘abandoned’ land, though much of these areas are still encumbered with claims from communities.

Established in 1993 as a response to concerns over global deforestation, FSC is a pioneer forum where the global consensus on responsible forest management convenes and effects solutions to the pressures facing the world’s forests and forest-dependent communities.

FSC Principles and Criteria require that forestry operations are legal, recognise and respect the legal and customary rights of indigenous peoples and only go ahead with their free and informed consent. FSC develops policy and standards to support responsible forest management worldwide. These include guidelines for certification, accreditation, trademark use, and governance.

Premiered during FSC Jakarta Conference 2007

Editors: Alexandra Jansse/ Joost van Loon
Producers: Alexandra Jansse/ Joost van Loon, EMF Films