


Director Alexandra exposes the struggle of a group of 220 asylum seekers in Amsterdam as they mobilise in the “WE ARE HERE” movement.


What’s it like to be stuck in a wealthy

Faces of a City, Willemstad Curacao

The film is homage to Willemstad’s multiculturalism and unique urban architecture.The history of Willemstad, Curacao, on island just of the coast of Venezuela, reads like a storybook: centuries of colonial domination, looting and slavery, Dutch mercantile spirit and the development of trade. The mixture of cultures from all corners of the globe have made it a fascinating melting pot.

A Dollar A Day

This is a poignant six-part international television series public engagement campaign and a set of educational tools that provide real insight into the complex nature of poverty.The six episodes are all structured around themes of access.

Al Nakba, The Palestinian Catastrophe 1948

Arguably the first film that seriously tackles the historic events that lead to the creation of 750,000 Palestinian refugees at the end of the first Israeli-Arab war of 1948. Based on historian Benny Morris’ book “The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1947-49.

Leaders Of The 21st Century

Today’s children will eventually become the leaders of the 21st century. In these short films children of 4 continents touch our hearts and inspire us with their the valid and surprising statements about.

Woman See Lot of Things

Portrays the lives of three female ex-child combatants. They participated in the decade-long Civil Wars in Sierra Leone and Liberia; some were abducted, raped and forcibly recruited. Others volunteered in order to find protection. While trying to reintegrate into society, a lot still are rejected.